Silvestica Green Forest AB, Sweden 100 %
Operative management
CRK Forest Management AB (CRK) manages and administers Silvestica Green Forest Latvia SIA.
Niklas Ringborg, Head of Management
Roland Persson, CFO and IT Director
Mattias Carlsson, Country Manager
Forest holdings
The company owns approx. 13,000 hectares of forest and land in the entire territory of Latvia with the largest concentration in the Central Vidzeme region. SIA Silvestica Green Forest Latvia continuously purchases forest properties in Latvia, therefore the area of real estate is constantly growing.
Forest management and Environmental certification
The forests are certified which means that forestry management is carried out with due respect for the environment and in accordance with the certification systems’ criteria.
Person responsible for purchasing forest property in Latvia:
Normunds Bērziņš
Phone: +37129372735
E-mail: normunds.berzins@crkforest.se
Forest development Southern Latvian branch (Syd Latvijas filiale) is responsible for the operational forestry measures.
Persons responsible for forest management issues:
Reinis Jatnieks
Phone: +371 299 193 85
E-mail: reinis.jatniekssusab.se
Atbrivosanas aleja 81-207, Rezekne, Latvija, LV-4601