Normunds Berzins Acquisition of forest properties – Baltics E-mail normunds.berzinscrkforest.se Phone +371 2 93 72 735 Back

Nils Holmlund Forest expert – Sweden & Finland E-mail nils.holmlundforcap.se Phone +46(0)73-065 50 48 2000–2005 Jobs in trade and restaurant. 2005–2010 Master of Science in forestry, SLU University. Focus on logistics and raw material supply. 2010–2013 Production manager Sveaskog. 2013–2015 Salesman and business developer Sveaskog. Sales of timber, pulpwood and biofuel, with related business development.…

Mattias Carlsson Country Manager – Baltikum and Sustainability Manager E-mail mattias.carlssoncrkforest.se Phone +46(0)73-350 09 69 Education: Master of Science in Forestry (Jägmästare) PhD in Forestry (Skoglig Doktor) Main Positions: Head of Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Faculty of Forestry at SLU – Alnarp Sweden Responsible for a research and education organisation of about 50 people…

Roger Johansson Country Manager – Sweden and Finland E-mail roger.johanssonforcap.se Phone +46(0)70-686 18 22 1992-1997 Master of Science in forestry, SLU University. 2006-2008 Executive MBA education Stockholm School of Economics 1997 Skogsbrukstekniskt Centrum Vindeln, project manager 1998-2001 Vida Group, sawmill and planing mill responsible for production and sales 2001-2004 Sveaskog, planning manager 2004-2008 Sveaskog’s Deputy…

Niklas Ringborg Head of Management E-mail niklas.ringborgcrkforest.se Phone +46 72 507 38 33 Landshypotek Bank AB. 2014-2022. Head of Region, Head of Segment, Head of District, Forest expert. Skogslikviditet Sverige AB. Owner. Developed and sold cash flow models for forest properties. Elite athletes 2001-2014. Skeet Shooter for Swedish national team. Belonged to Swedish Olympic Committees…